There are many examples and pictures, which are not taken professionally but convey the messages to other women of the world; “it is possible”.
Sambalpur District (since 2007)

Equal share and right: with wife’s investment

No more borrowing from the money lenders.
Baragarh District (Since 2008)

Taking loans and investing in family trades.

Nano Finance system helps the elderly and single women.
Anugul District (Since 2009)

Excited to take loans and start/expand their small trades.

Their coordinators whom they trust.
Jagatsingpur District (since 2010)

Working in group and sharing the profit.

Expanding business by taking multiple loans.
Cuttack District (Since 2012)

Come from distance to share their needs/concern.

New area; with new hope.
Sonepur District (Since 2013)

Monthly collection/distribution meeting.

Monthly meeting place in Sonepur.
Kalahandi District (Since 2017)

They are scared in case they can’t return the loans.

Many questions! Unheard of interest free loans.
Bolangir District (Since 2018)

Ready to take interest free loans.

Already planned where to invest her money.