Training/Production Unit
All the training centers are located in the interior villages of Odisha and provide livelihood to hundreds of girls and women of those areas. Aamara Biswas encourages the women and girls to make each center as production unit. As a result in a few years, the center will be self sustained by marketing their products and keeping some profit for running the center.
Purusottam Training/Production Center: The infra structure of this center was already established. Aamara Biswas has helped financially for buying materials for two years. Now they are self sustained. Many girls and women, who are from surrounding villages, are benefited by this center for training and income generating purposes.

Balikuda Training/Production Center: The training/production center was established in April 2012 to give training to young girls/women for making garments. Aamara Biswas used to rent a small room for the training purpose. In May, 2016 the training/production unit has moved to the Aamara Biswas Center. There is no more rental cost. Many of them now are making money by making garments and supporting their families. The women who don’t have sewing machines come to the center to use the sewing machines free of cost to make garments which Aamara Biswas markets their products to help them.

KhamaraTraining/Production Center (2018): This center has opened in January, 2018. The girls have already started marketing their product by taking loans from Aamara Biswas for buying materials. The profit is not much but it encourages them to pursue their dream.
The Kiakata training/Production centers (2012-14) was closed after three years due to lack of students. There was a demand to move the center to another village, but it was difficult for Aamara Biswas to move the center from one village to another village. Many girls got training and started making money by selling their garments.

Noliasahi Training/Production Center: After two years of training we have to close the center. It had the same problem as Kiakata center. The girls and the teacher have to walk from a distance to get to the training center. Aamara Biswas tries to rent a place which is convenient to most of the girls and women who live nearby villages. They generally walk to the center. Once the women/girls finish the training which takes 6 to 12 months, it is difficult to get new students from other villages which are located beyond three to five kilometers distance.
The women are able to purchase the sewing machines for themselves after the training. They are asked for a small down payment and after affordable monthly payments, the sewing machines then belong to them.